Decrease of initial anodic limiting current of H2O2 in presence of
honey samples, i.e. percentage of scavenged H2O2 was plotted vs.
mass of added samples (mg) (data not shown). The slope of the plot
was used as the measure of HPS activity (Table 1). The highest HPS
activity was obtained for amber forest honey (91.21 mm Pfund)
while the lowest for white acacia honey (10.17 mm Pfund). This
observation is in accordance with a positive correlation between
honey color and AO activity reported by Bertoncelj et al. (2007) and
Alvarez-Suarez et al. (2010b). HPS activity was compared with AO
activity measured by DPPH, ABTS, FRAP and ORAC assays (Table 1).
The post hoc Tukey’s HSD tests were evaluated for comparison
between the honey samples within each of the experimental
methods used, and statistically significant differences were found
in almost all samples, at p < 0.05 significance level. HPS, FC GAE,
TEAC and DPPH assays showed a statistically insignificant
difference in acacia 1 and 2 samples, while ORAC showed no
statistically significant difference between urtica and meadow
Decrease of initial anodic limiting current of H2O2 in presence ofhoney samples, i.e. percentage of scavenged H2O2 was plotted vs.mass of added samples (mg) (data not shown). The slope of the plotwas used as the measure of HPS activity (Table 1). The highest HPSactivity was obtained for amber forest honey (91.21 mm Pfund)while the lowest for white acacia honey (10.17 mm Pfund). Thisobservation is in accordance with a positive correlation betweenhoney color and AO activity reported by Bertoncelj et al. (2007) andAlvarez-Suarez et al. (2010b). HPS activity was compared with AOactivity measured by DPPH, ABTS, FRAP and ORAC assays (Table 1).The post hoc Tukey’s HSD tests were evaluated for comparisonbetween the honey samples within each of the experimentalmethods used, and statistically significant differences were foundin almost all samples, at p < 0.05 significance level. HPS, FC GAE,TEAC and DPPH assays showed a statistically insignificantdifference in acacia 1 and 2 samples, while ORAC showed nostatistically significant difference between urtica and meadowhoney.
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