Urie Bronfenbrenner, co-founder of Head Start, uses his bioecological model to provide a startlingly clear view of the
problems we have been seeing in our students and in our families. He says that technology has changed our society,
and while we are taking great pains to safeguard the physical environment from the damage done by a technology, we
have spent no resources to provide similar safeguards to the damage done to our societal environment. (Henderson,
1995). Our economy has shifted from an industrial model to a technological model, yet the patterns of the workplace
have continued to rely on the factory work ethic. Parents are expected to work a schedule that revolves around the
factory whistle – even though they may work in a high tech office. The technology that enables workers to be free of
manual labor, should also free them from the time and place boundary. Yet, our work ethic demands more face time
– not less. As women entered the work force, they too were subject to the same demands. Family life in this country
has taken a back seat to the needs of the workplace.