Brussels, Wednesday the 30th of September 2015, IPA – International Probiotics Association announces the launch of IPA Europe, its European branch, whose primary mission will be to clarify the status and the potential of probiotics in Europe. For the launch, IPA Europe held its first meeting as a new entity in which the former IPA, GAP and YLFA organizations have decided to join forces. The overall purpose of this new entity is to provide a single voice for the probiotics industry. More than 50 different guests including members of the European Parliament, research scientists and medical doctors signed up to be part of this new policy debate. Participants in the round table included representatives from the European Food Safety Authority, the European Parliament, the European Commission and the scientific community.
Like all relatively new scientific domains, despite the strong science behind these microorganisms, probiotics have suffered during the last few years from a lack of understanding of their unique properties and potential. This has led to a relatively un-adapted regulatory framework to support their development and a true roadblock for industry.
According to Dr Bart Degeest, President of IPA Europe, “Europe is currently losing ground within the highly promising field of probiotics because of the regulatory constraints implemented in 2012 and we need to actively allow this region to get back on the bandwagon.” The specific objectives will be to advocate for greater recognition of probiotics and their benefits to health on a European level. This is important because it is what will allow industry to continue to develop, both the science and their offering, in order to better meet the growing needs of society in the area of health and disease prevention.
Over 10,800 papers have been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals on probiotics since the 1970s. Research is continuing to make amazing progress thanks to the accessibility of new advanced technologies and interest in the microbiome. Thus, the fact that probiotics can contribute to health and wellness can be substantiated. Nevertheless, it is important to keep in mind that probiotics are unlike any other type of food ingredient and require a completely new mind-set for the evaluation and assessment of their properties. This is why IPA Europe will focus its activities on finding an agreement around the type of data that will allow regulatory authorities to accept what numerous scientists already consider to represent proofs for the benefits of probiotics to mankind and to society.
Economic data is already available on the millions of euros that can be saved on healthcare costs and on the impact of probiotics on employment, and this data is only scratching the surface of a potential that can be far more impressive. But Europe will not be able to tap into this potential given the current health claim restrictions. As a single representative platform designed to speak with one voice, develop a common approach to the criteria, regulatory requirements, scientific assessment, evaluation of safety and nutritional aspects of probiotics on EU level based on the latest scientific developments from around the world, IPA Europe is hoping to change this situation. Fully conscious of what has led to the current roadblock, IPA Europe will be working closely with authorities and the scientific community to insure that everyone is on the same page to allow probiotics to live up to the promises that they hold for both mankind and for society.