Globalization has forced many firms to evaluate investment opportunities around the world
in order to acquire a competitive advantage. However, in the process of globalization, firms are
most likely to invest in those countries that can offer substantial values in the value chain. It
becomes essential not only to gauge a country’s economic status correctly, but also to compare
its relative competitiveness with that of other countries. Previous studies have tended to evaluate
national competitiveness from the perspective of developed countries; very little attention
has been given to the national competitiveness of developing countries. Until recently, international
organizations neither measured the national competitiveness of Laos nor provided a
benchmarking reference for Laos to adjust foreign economic investment policies. The purpose
of this study is to develop a measurement model and then to use it to evaluate the national
competitiveness of Laos from four categories: economic performance, technology development,
human resource, and management capability. The results indicate that the actual achievement
levels (hard data) and perceived achievement levels for almost all measurement items are lower
than those of Thailand. The relative achievement levels of the measurement items as shown in
this study could serve as benchmarking for Laos to verify her future economic development
Keywords: Laos; National competitiveness; Economic performance; Technology development;
Management capability
AbstractGlobalization has forced many firms to evaluate investment opportunities around the worldin order to acquire a competitive advantage. However, in the process of globalization, firms aremost likely to invest in those countries that can offer substantial values in the value chain. Itbecomes essential not only to gauge a country’s economic status correctly, but also to compareits relative competitiveness with that of other countries. Previous studies have tended to evaluatenational competitiveness from the perspective of developed countries; very little attentionhas been given to the national competitiveness of developing countries. Until recently, internationalorganizations neither measured the national competitiveness of Laos nor provided abenchmarking reference for Laos to adjust foreign economic investment policies. The purposeof this study is to develop a measurement model and then to use it to evaluate the nationalcompetitiveness of Laos from four categories: economic performance, technology development,human resource, and management capability. The results indicate that the actual achievementlevels (hard data) and perceived achievement levels for almost all measurement items are lowerthan those of Thailand. The relative achievement levels of the measurement items as shown inthis study could serve as benchmarking for Laos to verify her future economic developmentscenario.Keywords: Laos; National competitiveness; Economic performance; Technology development;
Management capability
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