Everytime we get a ban appeal about this it's always the same old story. It's either a whole family playing together (Father, brother, sister, family dog, etc.) on different computers, or 10 friends playing in an internet cafe who eerily have similar playing styles and movement patterns. Claims like these cannot be backed up with sufficient evidence, therefore players will have to wait out their ban sentence, as their ban appeals will be denied on sight.
So now you've read the big red text, it's time to go over the rules of multi-clienting:
You can have up to two accounts online at the same time.
You can have more than two accounts, as long as you follow the above rule.
You can use both accounts for different things, like one in a stall and another leveling/gathering/etc.
You can use both accounts to help with elder team missions.
You can't have more than two accounts online at the same time.
You can't use both accounts for the same thing, ie using your main to level your alt, or having more than one stall/gatherer up.
(with the exception of the above elder rule)