according to fleming and blowes the geographical factor can be identified as one factor which influence export activities . natural resources endowment is one of the variables that determine the export of country. the infkuence of this factor is well explained under the heckser-ohlin model that was used to determine international trade patterns. As a variable,the rainfalk and climate condition enable cote d'lvoire to specialize in the tropical products exportation in which favors primary crops,that enonomy is either not suited for huge local demand,due to the small and poorty developed domestic market. therefore the country rely on foreign markets entry for the sale of its products.which foreign market access is one the most critical determinants of exports according to redding and venable(2002),fugaza(2004)and UNCTAD (2005). maket access refers to conditions determined by the legal and administrative framework imposed by the importing countries under internationally agreed trade rule that creare the possibility of selling on foreign markets UNCTAD,(2006)