Venus will still be in the sign of Virgo for a few days and then returns to Leo. You may perhaps notice how this sense of self-worth "disappears," how easily it is shaken, and how quickly you become insecure. Venus is in tension with Saturn. You must put up with all kinds of things but also take everything too personally or see it too tragically. It will be good for Venus to get charged up with the trusting Leo energy once again and assert itself against Saturn's critical gaze with Jupiter's help. Many critical voices seem to rise from your unconscious mind and your childhood. These are reprimands, prohibitions, norms of behavior, and demands on you. You never got anything for free and always had to earn everything - if not through work, then through a willingness to adapt and be disciplined. The Aquarius Full Moon does not like this at all. It invites you to liberate yourself from it.
Partnership / Love:
Your personal relationships are one big challenge. It is difficult for yourself to become completely involved with someone because you could lose control of things if you do so. You should look at yourself for once! What are all of the things that you do to prevent genuine closeness? If you believe that your partner does not appreciate you enough, this could also conceal a defense mechanism. ("After all, he or she does not even deserve me.")