3. The construction of analytic function of the local rule of Elementary Cellular Automata (ECA)
3.1. State recognition of neighbors
The combinations of the states of the neighbors are finite regardless the state st
x of the cell is either 0 or 1. In other words,
x1; st
xþ1Þ 2 fð1; 1Þ; ð1; 0Þ; ð0; 1Þ; ð0; 0Þg as either st
x ¼ 0 or st
x ¼ 1. Therefore, in order to recognize and uniquely identify the
states of the cell’s neighbors, we construct a recognition function y ¼ gðst
x1; st
xþ1;MÞ, where M ¼
m11 m12
m21 m22
, and the function
is used to observe the states of the cell’s neighbors: