Thailand, we are a country with abundant natural resources, there is a sea, mountain, forest, plants and animals. But today ,all of us has lost that things and apathetic with comfortable society, roads full of cars and a 24-hour shop that has lots of things , And what we are missing is happiness. so We have to live with a lot of suffering, and an exit for us is “Sufficiency Economy"
The Sufficiency Economy is a philosophy developed by King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand. The Sufficiency Economy is a happiness development approach, which emphasizes the middle path as an overriding principle for appropriate conduct by people at all levels.
This applies to conduct starting from the level of the families, communities, as well as the level of nation in development and administration so as to modernize in line with the forces of globalization. “Sufficiency” means moderation, reasonableness, and the need of self – immunity for sufficient protection from impact arising from internal and external changes. To achieve this, an application of knowledge with due consideration and prudence is essential. In particular great care is needed in the utilization of theories and methodologies for planning and implementation in every step. In addition, a way of life based on patience, perseverance, diligence, wisdom and prudence is indispensable to create balance and be able to cope appropriately with critical challenges arising from extensive and rapid socioeconomic, environmental, and cultural changes in the world.”
I think the concept will be helpful to everyone if they practice and based on the principle of sufficient in this live there but the well-being Money saving and happy general.