One of the most famous artist, who be the greatest and most influential artists of the 20 century is pablo picasso. The Spanish artist, who spent his life in France, is known for co-founding the cubist movement. He was born on 25 October 1881 in spain and was died on 8. The most commonly accepted periods in his work are the Blue Period, the Rose period and cobism period. In this essay, I will explain about my favorite image in each period of pablo picasso. G
To begin with the blue period which is the time of essentially monochromatic paintings in shades of blue and blue-green only. My favorite image in this period is the old guitarist. The image depicts an old, blind, haggard man with threadbare clothing weakly hunched over his guitar, playing on the streets. At first that I saw this picture, I feel about the sadness and loneliness of poor man which I thougnt artist can represent by use the clolur and the picture very clear. I was sympathetic the poor man in plight. Also, I can see the miseries of the poor. Picasso can use value, emphasis and composition for show the obvious feeling.
Then Rose period, Picasso changed his style of painting from somber tones of the Blue Period to be rose pe