From Fig. 2, it is clear that the individual components had an
additive effect on the final chemical nature of the composites: a subdued AOH peak was present at about 3350 cm1 with lignin
peak at 1500 cm1 and wood at 1000 cm1. Peaks at 2900 cm1,
1400 cm1 and 1350 cm1 were due to asymmetrical CH2 bend,
symmetrical CH3 bend and asymmetrical CH3 bend respectively,
contributed by polypropylene. However, it is interesting to note
that the carbonyl C@O stretching due to MAPP at 1700 cm1 was
found to be absent in WPC and WPBC 6. This absence may be
explained by the esterification and hydrogen bonding of the AOH
group of the wood and C@O group of the MAPP. These reactions
are responsible for the enhancement of the interaction of polypropylene
and wood, making the composite’s interfacial characteristics
favourable (Zhou et al., 2013). However, this phenomenon
did not help to improve the mechanical properties of WPBC 6
and the reason is discussed subsequently.
Table 2