Over the last few years there has been a worldwide explosion in interest in eco-tourism. People from many walks of life have recognized eco-tourism as being one means to enjoy the benefits of a country while remaining concerned about its environment and wildlife. But what exactly is eco-tourism? Originally eco-tourism involved travel to areas of natural or ecological interest (usually under the guidance of a naturalist) to observe wildlife and learn about the environment. By its nature, eco-tourism is also ‘low-impact’ tourism – groups are small and tours include advice and guidance on how to avoid damaging the environment. Nowadays, eco-tourism has grown to encompass a range of adventure and travel activities including Bicycle Tours, Elephant Safaris, Sea Cruises, Trekking, Walking and Wildlife Tours. Clearly, Thailand has huge advantages for the eco-tourist. The country’s rapid development has not reached all parts of the country and there are pristine areas for the adventurous tourist to explore.