I think it is not important how much money is remaining. As we often keep money remained for the next activities, we only transfer money back to Bangkok by the end of financial year. It happens for many other kind of activities under Core Fund in Vietnam and also for activities/project under CF managed by the HQ.
We advance for one activity under CF but in different installment. One activity can be divided into many different tasks. And we request of advance for every task under the activity.
For example, for VCP Training Program under CF, we have a series of training (ToT). We request the advance for each ToT in separate advance request, when we finish this ToT, we continue to request advance for the next ToT. This is an example for your information. By the end of financial year, when we do the settlement of VCP Training Program, we can transfer the money back to Bangkok. Sometimes, Bangkok agree us to keep the remaining for the next financial year. It depends on actual situation.
However, I would like to know how to key in both options that I mentioned to you because we can have to do both cases in future.