Regarding trial sample A5052-H32 size 0.5 x 1219 qty 300 kg., I have registered work order(W0003023) since 13 Jun and It should be completed and delivered today (27 July) as the delivery schedule which we usually use for meeting but I heard information that now we have not started production for this size yet. Could you please let me know the reason about this matter.
However I checked with Ple san for the best schedule that we can catch up is around end of Aug but it is too late for CSN because CSN already confirmed with their end user to deliver around beginning of Aug. I understand it need a time to produce but please pull schedule up to be more early.
Next time could you please monitor seriously for shipments, another way I will help to remind you also.
To be perfect and to make a good business moving forward, These need the good coordination from everyone.