„Boy, you may really be the ghost talk, we have waited in the Ancient Sealing Village village, has not seen you, you said actually to me when exits?” Sun Feiyang Cold Snort asking.
„Ancient Sealing Village exits these many, can I go out from the main entrance? You, do not enter Ancient Sealing Village to look for me actually directly, instead beyond the village I, has what goal? Is it possible that is to murder for money, assassinates in me? Originally your World Spiritist Alliance, is one group of so mean villains.” Saying of Chu Feng satire.
„Joke, do we murder for money? We feared that you escape, but in fact, didn't you indeed run?”
„Good that before the boast said that so long as we came, you momentarily accompanied, how can run?” Sun Lei said.
„Because thinks to have the urgent matter suddenly, therefore walked, but thinks suddenly that has not taught your big brother, therefore came back.” The words arrived here, Chu Feng look to Sun Lei big brother Sun Hao, saying of smiling: „One age, but also installs intentionally tenderly, is the true self does not dare to see the human?”
„Chu Feng, the canine advantage tooth is useless, I this does not have other Meaning today, comes to revenge for my younger brother, rubbish I not to be many said that today I and you compare notes, win Wang Baikou, can you dare otherwise?”
„Has what does not dare? I come back to look your.” Chu Feng self-confident saying.
„Yo, actually self-confident, but should not be anxious first, before the competion starts, I give you first a big present, making you know that you do not have imagine are so strong, I do not have you to imagine is so weak.”
Sun Chao smiles strangely, afterward sees only his palm to open, a glittering circular spheroid, then reappears, after that spheroid falls to the ground, then rapidly expands, finally „Bang”, is similar to the balloon is ordinary, demolishes.
„plop”, but after that golden spheroid demolition, the person, reappeared unexpectedly, falls falls on the ground.
„This is”
After Chu Feng sees clearly that person, immediately the facial expression big change, because at this moment, that lies down in the person of ground, not only remains unconscious, is the whole body blood, but Chu Feng is one recognizes, this, is Wang Qiang.
„Yo, it seems like you also know him, this stammering, actually a little method, my younger brothers are not his match.”
„Heard before , he and you compares notes, had been defeated by you?” Saying that Sun Hao smiles.
„He and you do not have the enmity without the injustice, why do you cause heavy losses to him?” Chu Feng angry asking, although shortly after he and Wang Qiang knows, even before could be said as the enemy, but from beginning to end, Chu Feng has not disliked this Wang Qiang, even also Wang Qiang, when the friend looked.
After all, if no appearance of Wang Qiang, Chu Feng is impossible in a short time , to promote to Sixth Rank Martial King.
Originally, he thinks that Wang Qiang already departed, but has not actually thought that they were given to catch by Sun Hao unexpectedly, and has made into this appearance, how did this call Chu Feng to be able not to be angry?
At this moment, the anger in Chu Feng heart, the billowing tuck dive, wells up the whole body, he decides darkly, must tidy up this Sun Hao not to be possible well.
He must revenge for Wang Qiang.