Hi Honey, once again a day has gone by and the night is here. I wish you were here with me, or I was there with you. Now we have two months and 3 weeks until we are together again. It is very hard for me to be away from you. We only marry one week and I have to go home. I am very sad that the test say no baby now. But I pray next week, the test say baby. Honey, I wish I could be there to kiss you good morning and to hold you through the night. Our naked bodies keeping each other warm. Thank you so much for your picture. It made me very happy today. Of course I would still like to have one even more sexy. I know you are a shy girl, it's okay I like that in you. Remember you are only one for me and I am only one for you. Be careful about internet only chat with your friends not strangers. The world is very big and there is a lot of not good people in the world. I worry for you my sweet wife. Please be careful for me. You are my whole world. Very late, I'm very tired here. I want to go to sleep but I like to send my love for you. I hope I dream of you tonight. Say hi to mother and father and take good care of yourself and baby. Wishing you all my love. Your husband forever and ever, Timmy.
P.S. You should try to watch Disney videos or movies. Very good to learn English. Goodnight, Honey. Byeee Byeee