For this issue, we are sincerely sorry for this inconvenience and make HSM confusing, for this Ebro commission and PO13-0073/0072 payment, today I have forcing our finical dept to compensate this two payment on our own, so that it will be easy way for HSM and YCM. Therefore, HSM and YCM not remit any payment.
PS. For compensate method can only use this time because it is our mistake.
1. PO13-0073, PO13-0072 OA PAYMENT is USD118,000
2. Ebro commission is 66,218.84
3. 2013/ 12/26 HSM has remitted the OA payment is USD51,781.16
Dear Jir:
From now on, OA payment is OA account cannot compensate any service part or commission.
Please tell it to all service team in order to prevent any misunderstanding to YCM and HSM in the furthure.