Step4: Making Decision for the Baseline or
Detailed Risk Assessment
In this module, a decision is made on which form of
risk assessment (baseline or detailed risk assessment) is
suitable for which CRM assets identified for the CRMSMS
Valuation of assets and establishment of
dependencies between CRM assets
Step5: Assessing Baseline
An organization could apply baseline security to
CRM system by selecting standard safeguards.
Identification surfaces risks before they become
problems and adversely affect a project.
In detail, the steps in this module are:
Step 5.1: Controlling the CRM Threats and
Step 5.2: Controlling the CRM Legal and
Contractual Obligations
Step 5.3: Controlling the CRM Business
After fulfilling the objective of asset identification by
listing all assets of the CRM system under review,
values should be assigned to these assets.
Step6: Assessing the Detailed Risk
Accounting and analyzing the risk of related CRM
threats and vulnerabilities. The results from these