The old woman who lived in a shoe
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. She had so many child ren. She didn't know what to do there was hannah and harry and sara and sam. There was aisha and abdul and daisy and dan there was gwen who was greedy and stan who was small there was sean who was short and tom who was tall. There was jusmine and jeremy sandeep and grace boys and girls all over the place ying and yasmin jacob and joe squeezed in together whit no room to grow this shoe is too full said the woman one day."we must get anothe i'll look right away" whit a list of the shoe stores she went to them all ous the boots were to ting and the shoe were too small. She was on her. Way home by the side of a river,when she met a huge giant. He gave a sad shiver. "Please help "sobbed the giant. "There's a crab on my toe." The old woman took hold and pulled it off just like so. "Thanks!"said the giant "now,can i help you?" "Well" said the woman. I would like your shoe "of course" said the giant an he gave her his shoe. "And for heing so take the other one too." Now all the children have space to have fun. And the old woman can knit in the sun.