Response of Theobroma cacao L. (cacao) and the shade tree Inga edulis Mart. (inga) seedlings from an organically-grown cacao plantation to inoculation with native arbuscular mycorrhizae forming fungi (AMF) was studied in a cross-inoculation assay under greenhouse conditions. Seedlings of inga and cacao were grown in pots filled with heat-treated soil from the plantation. Control was heat-treated soil without inoculum and roots of cacao and inga from the plantation were applied as AMF inocula. Undisturbed soil blocks were used as a “positive control” of the inoculation potential of untreated soil and roots combined. No AMF structures were observed in the roots of either species in the heat-treated control. All inocula were infective in both hosts and the differences in the total AMF colonization percentage between the hosts were not significant but inga had significantly higher colonization by hyphal coils and arbuscules. Cacao roots but neither inga roots nor soil block inocula stimulated cacao growth. All inocula significantly increased growth of inga, which had higher relative mycorrhizal responsiveness than cacao. Thus, in spite of the strong infectivity of the inocula in both hosts, cacao and inga responded differently to the same AMF populations. The strong conspecific preference of cacao suggests that attention must be paid to the AMF inoculum used for this species. However, the strong response of inga to cacao root inoculum indicates that the two species may share same AMF symbionts, thus enabling positive interactions between them, including formation of common mycelial networks.i