This paper describes the effects of using Technology as a teaching and learning aid for mathematics.
Teachers feel it difficult while teaching mathematics to students using technology and integration of technology into
pedagogical content knowledge which will improve student learning. While many educators have proposed changes
the way mathematics is taught to students, the focus has often been only on Technological Pedagogical Content
Knowledge (TPCK) rather than on pedagogy. Work from the mathematics education community across the world
suggests that it could be beneficial to consider a broader notion of mathematics: mathematical thinking, the
interdisciplinary usage of mathematics content knowledge. We would like students to learn to identify the problems
and problem-solving strategies, use of resources, attitudes and practices. Using technology in Teaching and
learning will help the students to understand the difficult tasks easily and further technology will engage students in
learning process. This article further discusses each of these aspects of mathematical thinking and others examples
of mathematical thinking practices based on the authors’ previous empirical studies of students and practitioners
uses of Technology in mathematics teaching and learning .This paper offer insights to inform the teaching of
mathematics and incorporate technology in the context of teaching and learning mathematics using technology.