JETRO will join Thailand and Myanmar in developing the Dawei deep seaport project
The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) will join Thailand and Myanmar in developing the Dawei deep seaport project, Industry Minister Pongsvas Svasti said today. Thailand and Myanmar recently signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate in development of the megaproject, 270km west of Bangkok, to the west of Kanchanaburi. Jetro Bangkok president Setsuo Iuchi reaffirmed Japan’s interest in the project during a meeting with the industry minister, offering a JETRO financial allocation for infrastructure development and investment by the Japanese private sector for some projects. Thailand and Myanmar agreed to set up a bilateral committee to work on the project, slated to be announced at the ASEAN Summit in November. The Finance Ministry and National Economic and Social Development Board are working on a platform to enable Thai private sector to invest in some Dawei-related projects including development of industrial estates and construction of roads from Kanchanburi province, 130km west of Bangkok, to Dawei.