10 tips for a better night’s sleep
Image: iStock
Sleep problems are common in people of all ages. Falling asleep and staying asleep can get even harder as you age. But adopting good habits, such as the 10 we’ve listed here, can help you get the most out of every night.
1. Maintain a consistent sleep schedule and routine. Go to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning. A set sleep routine will “train” you to fall asleep and wake up more easily.
2. Use the bed only for sleep and sex. Avoid reading and watching TV in bed.
3. Cut down on caffeine, especially after 2:00 PM. For some people, even a single cup of coffee in the morning means a sleepless night.
4. Be physically active. Regular aerobic exercise like walking, running, or swimming provides three important sleep benefits: you fall asleep faster, attain a higher percentage of restorative deep sleep, and awaken less often during the night. But plan to exercise early in the day. Exercising too late causes physiological changes that may interfere with sleep.
5. Avoid excessive napping. Prolonged napping can disrupt your natural sleep cycle and prevent you from feeling tired enough to fall asleep.
6. Stop smoking or chewing tobacco. Nicotine makes it harder to fall asleep because it speeds your heart rate, raises blood pressure, and stimulates fast brainwave activity that indicates wakefulness.
7. Use alcohol cautiously. While a nightcap can help you fall asleep, the effects disappear after a few hours, causing frequent awakenings.
8. Improve your sleep surroundings. Try removing the television, as well as tablets, laptops, and other devices, from the bedroom. An ideal sleep environment is quiet, dark, and free of clutter.
9. Don’t toss and turn. If you’re still awake after about 20 minutes in bed, get out of bed and read awhile to help yourself relax.
10. Don’t let yourself get overheated. Keep the bedroom at a constant, comfortable temperature.