The sovereignty of the State may further be lookked at from two points of view: legal and politicalLegal sovereignty is the conception of sovereignty in terms of law, and it refers to that person or body of persons Who, by law, have the power to issue final commands.n every State there must be some authority which is determinate and visible in the sense that it should command all and the people may appeal to it as the final authority.
Such an authority is known as the legal sovereign and the authority of the legal sovereign is supreme and final over all individuls and associations.
No individual or group of individuals has the legal right to act contrary to the decisions of the sovereign power, even if such decisions override the prescriptions of divine law,6 the principles of morality, or the mandates of public opinion.
The courts recognise and apply only that law which emanates from the legal sovereign and disobedience to such a low is accompanied by punishment.