The stoichiometric ratio between Cu(II) and cefixime
was evaluated by Job’s method of continuous variations.
Varied volumes of equimolar (2.205 10-3 M) solutions of
Cu(II) and cefixime were taken, keeping the total volume
of Cu(II) and cefixime constant at 2 mL in 10 mL standard
volumetric flask and diluted up to the mark with 1,4-dioxan.
The absorbance of each set is recorded and plotted
against the mole fraction of Cu(II) (Fig. 2). This is due to
the complexation reaction of Cu(II) with cefixime at 336
nm. The plot of absorbance versus mole fraction of Cu(II)
has confirmed that 1 mol of Cu(II) reacted with 1 mol of