Several different analyses, including allele frequency
differences, amova and isolation by distance, revealed
weak large-scale geographical separation of L. setiferus
populations. The lack of substantial population structure
was not due to lack of polymorphism at the loci studied,
nor was it due to highly polymorphic loci obscuring
statistical analyses; there was no correlation between
heterozygosity and population differentiation. Large-scale
differentiation was far less pronounced than that detected
from mtDNA sequence data from white shrimp (A. Jackson,
pers. comm.). The different level of population structure
found with these two genetic markers stems probably from
the larger long-term effective population size measured by
nuclear DNA, slowing the appearance of the effects of
genetic drift by a factor of four.
Several different analyses, including allele frequencydifferences, amova and isolation by distance, revealedweak large-scale geographical separation of L. setiferuspopulations. The lack of substantial population structurewas not due to lack of polymorphism at the loci studied,nor was it due to highly polymorphic loci obscuringstatistical analyses; there was no correlation betweenheterozygosity and population differentiation. Large-scaledifferentiation was far less pronounced than that detectedfrom mtDNA sequence data from white shrimp (A. Jackson,pers. comm.). The different level of population structurefound with these two genetic markers stems probably fromthe larger long-term effective population size measured bynuclear DNA, slowing the appearance of the effects ofgenetic drift by a factor of four.
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