A charter can be broadly defined as a published statement containing:
• a list of customer entitlements;
• details regarding a licensee’s services; and
• information relevant to the relationship between the customer and the licensee.
Charters have a range of purposes which may include customer education and the
differentiation of service providers in a competitive market. The benefit derived from a
charter is usually commensurate with the effort invested by the licensee in the
development and review process.
In the energy industry, licensees are required to produce, and have approved by the
Authority, a standard form contract. The standard form contract is the principle document
that establishes the terms and conditions of the relationship with customers. In the water
industry, where there is no approved standard form contract, the charter developed by
water licensees represents the principle document governing the relationship between
licensee and customer.
These guidelines provide the minimum content requirements for charters. Licensees may
choose to provide additional information about matters such as safety within their
charters, however, this is an internal business matter for the licensee.