This article deals a context for the special issue
and a framework for the discussion in this issue are
provided. A broad interpretation of terms is
postulated, e.g., competency standards systems
includes methods and techniques of the human
resource development policies in many advanced
countries establishes competency standards which
are agreed-upon, and are industry-identified
knowledge, skills, and abilities required for a person
employed in the workplace market.; competencybased
curriculum design showed the integrated
demonstration of a cluster of related knowledge,
skills and attitudes that are observable and
measurable, necessary to perform a job
independently at a prescribed proficiency level;
instructional strategies refers to a process of
combining various distinguishable parts to create a
systematic approach; implications of a systematic
approach for instructional system and design
changes in directly aspects to promote learning
outcomes; and teachers’ competency that require
effort and are aimed at achievement goal
orientation. The implications of CBE can be applied
to change new model for Thai vocational education
and training system which emphasis on teaching and
learning method.