After N application the CCCINDVI values increased for all the plots, but, as shown in Table 3, only the AS zone showed significant response to N fertilizer. The difference between the two DCCCINDVI and DMTCI readings for 2009/10 (April reading minus March reading) is shown in Fig. 6. The CCCINDVI had higher difference in the south-west portion of the field in the plots that had the highest yield for the same growing season and lower values in plots that had lower yields (Figs. 6a, 3b). The MTCI showed similar difference values between the N plots, but its overall accuracy was 20 % lower than the CCCINDVI (Table 4; Fig. 6b). NUE on average was 30 kg of grains per kg of N applied fertilizer for the 90 N treatment, 45 kg of grains per kg of N fertilizer for the 70 N treatment, and 89 kg of grains per kg of N fertilizer for the 30 N treatment.