Crew resource management theory starting from before is usually start from a known, human factor related to the self, such as. Error, stress, fatique, workload automation, then imported into the cases that really, like, for example, error case here, Sir Philip teneriff. Nothing at all. Everyone will see the picture and discuss. If the theory leads Herald before.
The management task is what each person has a duty to. Now who do. Now somebody help The role of the surgery, but now, like the teachers helping teachers is the final decision. Residence President surgery Assistant Professor must act. If pouring khokonthoron Professor to speak clearly Again, people must recognize that it is now a professor and then to pour khao River. Teachers may want to switch from another surgery, because the side stand side is not. Messy job? Comfortable? Prioritize what needs to be done, such as taking on the drug should write down the steps?, well before induction should be stable until the monitor, then bend the page write down anything like this.
Clear concise communications are clearly correct tightening is correct. For example, frequent communication error in anesthesia The use of standard phraseology such as that terminology does not remove the khap again Bai a bong. The day after the new drug may be enough order, brother vs. glucose a bong is obviously to remove evidence, Carlton, because biodiesel can hear what a bong bong or calcium, calcium, it's little but a small amp. The storyline may be injected to fifty CC because it thought that a hole is 50 cc, etc.