Sensuous fingers drew him in, to follow the older man for the task at hand. Dressing up a Christmas tree with a Blighter. He never thought he would see the day. Jacob felt like he was in a maze with the amount of corners he turned, but they had finally arrived. On the floor lay an unopened box, waiting for its contents to be discovered.
“Here she is,” Roth commented. Female, of course, as most inanimate objects are. Jacob watched Roth unbox his prize, awaiting any orders before digging in himself. Roth had completely removed the tree from its cardboard prison, free to be on display for all to see.
“Jacob, do be a dear and help me carry this to that point would you?” he called at Jacob, beckoning him over as he pointed towards the desired location. Jacob nodded, grabbing an end of the tree whilst Roth did the same, manoeuvring it until it stood proud. Now she just needed a make over.
“Marvellous! Now let's dress her up,” Roth declared, walking over to a nearby chair to collect a box of decorations, and setting them down next to Jacob. “Put them to good use. I shall be back in a moment.” And with that, he left.