My friend I talked your ear off, I pray to God we have a chance to meet!
I'm sorry I gave you to much information our first night, but you opened a new door for me to research to focus on how to teach people to switch. I'm in the middle of writing a book that those doctors are endorsing it. And are going to finance it to hit book stores.
But please, be my mentor, my teacher, and I will listen attentively to your findings. I too will Google. I do medical research with two doctors I became friends with, and I write many medical papers that is added to the doctors research. We are focusing a lot on the effects of food, drugs, vitamin and herbal effects that do damage to the brain.
I want to learn about preparation of food, I do know a lot, we need to stop consuming caffeine, processed sugar, white flower, need more organic vegetables and meat, low fat, high protein, low carbohydrates as that turns to sugar when broke down in our body.
My dear, your English is perfect!! I understand you very well because I grew up in a neighbor hood that many neighbors were from your country. And it has increased and many of my friends, close friends came from where you live, I know not a lot, but more than the average American about your culture, your society, and I so bad, my dream is to take time to visit there was it to me is one of the prettiest countries in the world, and the ladies from there are the prettiest in the world, but you have a special place in my heart as you are sweet, innocent, wholesome, good, so so funny. You are a good special person that stands in our world alone as the best lady I've ever met!
Program for their son as he was a lucky one, the were able to save his life, but he's very sick. I believe very much on eastern medicine and use it myself, and promote it, in also into holistic and homeopathic means of getting healthy and exercise.
I went to college very late in life, for 2 years my major was marine biology, and I had the opportunity of a lifetime to have the rest of my education paid for completely with a job waiting for me making $175,000 a year, but like that picture you showed the difference between a man and a woman, I changed my studies to social psychology and substance and alcohol prevention. I was required to take medical classes and I can converse and understand when speaking to a doctor. I know a lot about anatomy, medicine, preventative medicine, even though I work with people with personality disorders, mental illness, addictions to drugs and alcohol, I run marriage, drug and alcohol addiction programs, and those mentally challenged. I do it for free as I will explain later, as it is 6 a.m. here and I was on call for any emergencies and I got called in to counsel a family whose son over dosed on drugs, and I had to consult with the doctor, then try to calm and counsel the family to start a recovery