I have been using this shampoo for about 4 months now, and I can honestly say that I see and feel a difference. I have very oily scalp and hair and I am very prone to breakouts on the scalp (and face). My hair loss has been so bad in the recent couple of years (I am female in my early 30s)that I thought for sure I am going to be bald when I hit 40. I stumbled upon this product after reading an online discussion thread. I was hooked after the first use. It lathers really well, surprisingly. Did not need any conditioner. Left my hair clean and fresh throughout the day. And the big red bumps on the scalp are gone!I can see some new fuzzy short hair starting to sprout on the top of my head. Hair no longer falls easily when I comb it. I am overall very happy with the product. Price is a bit steep; the bulk ordering option definitely helps. One bottle lasts my roughly one month if used once daily. I think it is worth the money. - See more at: http://www.mapleholistics.com/degrease-shampoo/#sthash.EQ80P76H.dpuf