spaces: 1) develop design requirements, 2) plan airflow paths, 3) identify building uses and features, 4) determine ventilation requirements, 5) estimate external driving pressures, 6) select type of ventilation devices, 7) size ventilation devices, and 8) analyze the design.
Credit 3.1: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan-During Construction (1 point)
This credit has the objective for protecting indoor air quality (IAQ) in the construction process. To earn this credit, the IAQ management plan must be addressed and implemented in the project. The implementation plan should refer to the following issues: 1) HVAC system protection during construction, 2) pollutant source control, and 3) contamination pathways interruption. The absorptive materials need to be installed properly to avoid contamination problems. Also, the material storage should be protected from moisture damage. Furthermore, the project should avoid the permanent air handler for temporary HVAC system. If necessary, filtration media need to be installed at each air grille with 30% minimum efficient rate or more than 90% arrestance. Additionally, specification and replacement schedule for filtration media must be considered appropriately.
Credit 3.2: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan-Before Occupancy (1 point)
This subcategory is issued for controlling indoor air quality, which may get the impact after construction completion. IAQ implementation plan must be performed after completion of architectural finishes installation and preoccupancy cleaning. There are two options for this credit: 1) performing building flush-out and 2) testing air contaminant levels. For flush-out, it is executed in case the occupants do not require building use promptly after substantial completion. However, the building may be occupied prior to flush-out completion, if there is air volume delivery with at least 3,500 cubic feet of outdoor air per square foot, and the ventilation process must be provided. During flush-out period, the ventilation must be processed at least 3 hours before occupancy and continue during occupancy. This process need to be carried until the amount of air volume meets the recommended value.
For air contaminant testing, it has to follow the standard and verify that contaminant concentration levels in the building are not more than recommended value. If the concentration levels exceed the required values, the flush-out needs to be repeated until the requirements are achieved. Furthermore, it should be certain that new filtration media is replaced before occupancy. Therefore, specification and replacement schedule for filtration media must be considered appropriately.
Credit 4.1: Low – Emitting Materials – Adhesives and Sealants (1 point)
The intent of this credit is to reduce the indoor air contaminant emission from adhesive and sealant materials in interior construction. All adhesives, sealants, sealant primers, and aerosol adhesives must conform to the volatile organic compound (VOC) limits, which are identified in related standards. To meet this requirement, low-VOC materials have to be specified and clearly stated in specification. Moreover, the product cut sheets, material