The present study explains the seasonal influence on fecundity, embryonic development and parental care of Amphiprion melanopus reared in aquaria. Water quality parameters like temperature 27 ± 2°C, salinity 29 ± 2ppt, ammonia 0.001 ppm, dissolved oxygen 4 ±2 ppm, pH 7.7 ± 0.2, light intensity 18 μ mol-1sec-1and photoperiod (13 L: 11 D) were provided. Brooders were fed with boiled oyster,shrimp and clam meet thrice a day and organic wastes were
removed regularly. After obtaining maturation (4 months rearingin captive condition) successful spawning was observed. Thepercentage of fecundity, hatching, deformation and incubation were categorized into four seasons (summer, pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon) for a year. The spawning was occurred throughout the year except in December. The fertilization, hatching
and deformation rate were calculated as 92.85%, 85.64% and
7.18%. There is no significant (P>0.05) changes were observed
in fecundity and hatching rate seasonally. However, the incubation
hours and deformation rate of egg clutch were significantly (P