Never thought that a beauty pageant could be this impressive. After spending some quantity time will the other candidates there made me realized that it's not like what I thought at all. Of course, we know that we all are competing with each other but there's something more than that. I was so nervous that I won't have any chance to make friend with the other candidates. I thought that I will be there alone since my best-friend didn't make it but I was wrong. I learnt to be more friendly with people (I know that I'm not the best at making friends yet, people always think that I'm an arrogant bitch). I gotta say that this is one of the best experiences I could ever ask for. Thanks to all my lovely friends especially Bom,Darf,Face,Not and Bank. They made my day and even though we're in a competition we're still a good friend to each other and I won't be regret if I don't get the crown