Calculating a
county generation rate is extremely difficult because it is based on
the number of individuals who self-inject insulin, which is not
public information, and illegal intravenous drug users. Thus, for
comparison purposes, an estimated generation rate for San Luis
Obispo County is derived based on the formula used by the Product
Policy Institute (2008)dthe authors acknowledge the limitations of
their formula. Using a per capita rate of 8 sharps per year for legal
pharmaceuticals, we estimate that 2,247,668 used medical sharps
are generated per year in SLO County. The estimated generation
number for the 31-month collection period is 5,806,475 sharps. The
mandatory retail take-back program collected/diverted an estimated
4,218,395 medical sharps, which equates to an estimated
collection/recycling rate of 72.65%. However, this amount does not
take into account used sharps collected in non-retail establishments
including public health buildings, medical offices, and
available mail-back services
Calculating acounty generation rate is extremely difficult because it is based onthe number of individuals who self-inject insulin, which is notpublic information, and illegal intravenous drug users. Thus, forcomparison purposes, an estimated generation rate for San LuisObispo County is derived based on the formula used by the ProductPolicy Institute (2008)dthe authors acknowledge the limitations oftheir formula. Using a per capita rate of 8 sharps per year for legalpharmaceuticals, we estimate that 2,247,668 used medical sharpsare generated per year in SLO County. The estimated generationnumber for the 31-month collection period is 5,806,475 sharps. Themandatory retail take-back program collected/diverted an estimated4,218,395 medical sharps, which equates to an estimatedcollection/recycling rate of 72.65%. However, this amount does nottake into account used sharps collected in non-retail establishmentsincluding public health buildings, medical offices, andavailable mail-back services
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