Taking one night to travel to Carne Village, staying in Carne Village for one night, then leaving for Re-Lantier. The planned three day, two night journey was finally coming to its end, arriving back at Re-Lantier, they were welcomed by the evening scene of the city.
The road was illuminated by the white glow from the 「Continual Lights」, the people travelling on the road also changed. Gone were the young women and children, most of them now were working men travelling home. Shophouses were lined side by side along the street, cheerful sounds and lights came from them.
Ainz looked around.
After three days, the town didn’t seem to have changed. No, after arriving in Re-Lantier, he straight away left for Carne Village the next day, so there was insufficient knowledge and attachment to compare. However, he could still feel that the scene of the calm streets remained unchanged.
After reaching a turn on the main road, Ainz suddenly stopped walking.
Normally, stopping in the middle of the road would definitely obstruct the path of other pedestrians, but nobody even complained. That was because nobody even got close to Ainz.
Ainz hunched his back in resignation and observed the people around him.
Nearly everyone looked toward Ainz——No, they stared at Ainz, and whispered lowly to the person next to them.
Hearing the sound of talking, Ainz felt as if they were laughing at him, but that was his own misunderstanding. If he had actually listened, he would know that their tones were filled with surprise, appreciation and fear.
Even so, there was still a place that made it hard to release the tension.
Ainz silently looked down——under him was pearly white fur. That was because Ainz was currently mounted on the Virtuous King of the Forest.
All around the people looked towards the awe-inspiring brave appearance of the Virtuous King of the Forest——Ainz was somewhat critical of this point——in amazement, they were talking about the warrior who was able to ride upon such a fearful, yet dignified magical beast.