Good teachers possess certain qualities that help them help their students day by day. A teacher should be understanding, trustworthy, and polite. I believe that without these characteristics, a teacher can be nothing to its student. I believe that these are the characteristics I can offer as a student and in the future as a teacher and so much more. Being these things only helps. There are also some things that can only worsen the situation like being stubborn, being unfair, and letting your emotions get the best of you. Those are traits I can be guilty of also.
I’ve had many friends through out my whole life, and the thing about being a good friend is you have to understand where the person s coming from, even if you are two completely opposite people. Many of my friends are different from me, but I still try to understand where they stand everyday. Understanding something makes you very open minded and less ignorant. That is a quality I hope I pass to my students.
Trust is also a very important trait to have. You should always have the trust in someone you think is trustworthy. Although trust is something gained, having faith with certain people can lead them to trust you or vice versa. Being trustworthy is all about how much you respect the other person. Without respect, people tend to tell more rumors than be mindful of their manners.
Whenever I see anyone on the street I smile at that person. I believe that if a person is having a bad day, you could have brightened up that person’s mood just with that smile. Being polite is a value that I learned from my parents and with time became stronger. In the present time so many people worry about what is going on with themselves that no one stops to be nice to the people that do things for them. Everyone works as one, and without certain people we would be nowhere. I believe that if you are polite, you help yourself out and the other person. It is a win-win situation.