Sandra is a thirty one year old African American gravid 11 para 2 who had eight SABs mixed in with two term vaginal deliveries of an IUGR and a low birth weight baby. She smoked a pack of cigarettes a day, and drank alcohol and smoked marijuana in early pregnancy. She also had some small uterine fibroids. In her next pregnancy she tested positive for ANA and was placed on low dose aspirin (80 mg a day) in the hope of inhibiting antibodies from causing vascular damage, thrombosis, placental decay, abortion and fetal morbidity and mortality. She recently had a term 5 lb 12 oz baby girl with Apgars of 8 and 9. Her miscarriages are probably due to some combination of autoimmune disease, substance abuse and fibroids. Giving low dose aspirin and heparin to some women with autoimmune disorders appears successful in recent studies of habitual abortion.