1. hello there !
2. We haven't met before, have we?
3. Jane, meet Bob.
4. Pleased to meet you.
5. Mr Smith, may I introduce Jane Sharp?
6. I don't believe we've met before. I'm Bob Grant.
7. How do you do?
8. Hi- I'm Max.
9. Mr Smith, I'd like you to meet Paul Brown.
Jane: Hi, Max! This is a great party, isn't it?
Max: Hello there! Yes, it is. 22222 We work together at Smith's. Bob, this is Jane, my next-door neighbour.
Jane: 222222, Bob.
Bob: Nice to meet you too, Jane.
Max: Oh! I don't believe it! There's our boss and his wife standing over there.
Bob: Oh no! He's coming over. I'll see you later.
Mr Smith: Good evening, Max.
Max: Hello. 222222222 Jane, this is my boss, Mr Smith.
Mr Smith: 22222222.
Jane: Pleased to meet you.