The results in Table II and the computations show that in case with a fast flash memory the ISP is limited by the throughput of test access path. However, the addition of the second buffer to the hybrid-online ISP mode even in case of the fast memory allows to achieve significant speed up. According to Figure 2 and 4 the possible improvement in ISP time is limited. The range of possible improvement is from 0 to T1, where the upper limit is the time when flash is idle in the hybrid-online mode (T1). The time when flash is idle is called in this paper as timeout. The flash idle period in the double buffer mode is denoted here as T2. It should be stressed that the flash is not idle during the process of copying data from buffer memory to the page buffer inside Flash. For the rest of the paper the time taken by this process is defined as C. In Figure 2 and 4 this time period is outlined as Buffer to Page Buffer.