The PWC Report (2012) "Low Carbon Economy Index" concludes that a 5.1% annual rate is required for
decrease of GHG emissions by 2050, in order to achieve our target of planetary warming with maximum 2oC. In
2011, this rate was 0.7%, while the average starting from 2000 is 0.8%. The reduction target was not reached during
the last period, on the one hand because of the increasing emissions in emerging countries and, on the other hand,
due to insufficient involvement of other countries in objectives achieving, materialized in uncertain policies on
national and international level, reduced efforts for low emissions technologies and even a decline in renewable
energy field. In the relationship between economic growth and evolution of generated emissions, the latter has an
asymmetrical trajectory, increasing with a higher rate than the economic growth, but more slowly decreasing
compared with the economic decrease.
Currently, there are two methods to combat the effects of GHG emissions:
Reducing the level of emissions;
Flexible trading mechanisms in the carbon certificates market: acquiring the rights to emit GHGs by owning a
carbon certificate/license.