for making porous co ncrete [8–10] . Var ious resear chers in this field often fail to give attention to this . Man y sort to the simple relationshi p betw een strength and flow obtaine d from flow table test. Var ious optimu m flow values between 180 and 280 mm have thus been report ed based on different cond itions of mixin g, compact ion and incorpora tion of admix tures [11–16 ]. S y stematic study on the propert y o f fresh pa ste suitable for making porou s con crete is, there- fore, necessa ry. This can be achieve d b y exami ning the chang e o f rheology due to the infl uence of method and sequen ce of mixing and compact ion. The pur pose of this study is, therefore, to study the best cond itions to produce porous c oncrete . The first pa rt deals with the propert ies of the fresh paste and the second pa rt deals wi th the compact ion an d vibrat ion of concret e.