are already houses welcome back in in this video
what I want to do is I wanna sir talking about the basics network hardware
now whenever you're first starting out you can get pretty overwhelming
understanding the difference between a modem routers
switches servers all of these different pieces that you need
even for a simple home network soul what I want to do like I said
is I'm gonna go through each device piece by piece
I'm gonna break down and explain exactly what it does
in why you need it in your network now
I actually was gon make these videos like okay this is a video about modems
made it monee idid out a modem on modem but instead I'm like
this is pretty confusing to so but I'm gonna do is I'm gonna bill or a really
really simple home network
probably the one that you have in your house if you just you know
have like a plan where you watch TV and you know have basic internet some gonna
build a very simple
home network and then you guys can see the pieces
and how they fit in to the big picture a little bit better
so this Cloudera here first for I don't know
when people started calling the internet cloud but whenever someone says like
any time they say were cloudy just means internet so don't let a computer
I know why they did that's kinda annoying actually many waysthis blue cloud is just your Internet Service Provider mine is actually
so you build your home network in then you send it out to you know the
telephone wire the satellite whoever you have
that is essentially representing the clout what network devices they have
we don't know so we discovered the clout so everything out
is actually the hard we're in your home alright simple enough
now this video is about
this device rehear a modem soul
the first wire that comes from the telephone line
outside to your house talks directly in
to the modem now once it's in the modem
I'm just throw everything out here goes to your router
actually let's use this one she's a wireless router
and what devices doing I got all these cool graphics offer this are
website so my comp you might as well make a little a bunch a low-key tiger
and re: so
let's say that we have iMac lets you and I'll say Gary here
on my cell phone and
and let's use a laptop are so I just moved into my new apartment
and the first thing that I wanna do is I wanna get some internet so I called my
cable company Mika
Kenny sense dude over to took up all my computers
you know I need to get on the internet so they do he comes over and he searched
tinkering around
cell phone pullout from what he's doing who knows
but he ends up taking a cable from the telephone poll
and running it inside my house so
then believe it or not he gets a call from his boss the in this huge fight
in he just quit he's like you know at this job she later
some looking down it wire all my devices still
are connected to the Internet McKay dude
you can't receive right now in the middle the job music you know a Bucky
how he knows my name on it now probably know that from far
said Bucky figure it out yourself so Mike
are crap uncanny Elise commitment he's a kid
its easy I have to do is he need to buy a modem any need to buy router
take this cable that has the internet right now
and plug in your modem and then from there
take the ethernet cable plug into your router
and then all your devices can connect to it so some can be wired
others like your phone can be Wireless and that's how it works
Mike arm alright that sounds pretty easy well she later to look with
new job art so now we have to figure out how the heck this actually works what
type of equipment by
and all that fun stuff so the first thing I do is a star rating up
on modems now I learned that okay whenever you have a home network
change my color here are
blue nice art so whenever you have your
own home network I can see visually that has to pass through a modem
to get to the Internet how to say internet
we can see visually that a modem is a device that connects your network
to the Internet that's what it is now
ice are reading online in technically I learn what this does
is it converts digital signals from your router
to analog signals that can be set over copper wires are sure it it down
to analog so the bra
overview of a modem if you only remember one thing is it a device that connects
your network
your home network to the Internet and technically behind the scenes what does
is a converge digital signals from your router or any device that goes into it
to analog signals in other words a signal that can be sent
over copper wire in you know into the clouds
soul I'm like okay that sounds pretty easy a certain looking online for modems
turns out there's like I thousand to choose from what one do I pick
for the first thing I'm gonna do is this before you even go on Newegg or Amazon
or anything like that
go to your eyes peas website I have time warner
but every you know I S B has 'em and
starts looking for the page that says
these are the modems to have been approved
to use with our service so different internet service providers only allow
self modems in these are all the ones that I can choose from
so again this is the manufacture this is just a model number
this is the speed will talk about in a second but basically you just can't pick
any modem online the need to be approved
now another thing is that how she would I have art
so I have the ultimate plan but in different areas they have
arm you know faster than this I can only get fifty megabytes per second
no matter what so that means if I choose a modem
you know if I just buy the most expensive one that can
and you know handle 300 megabytes per second is it really worth it because
sure my modem is you know Osman can handle all that speed
but if my internet maxes out at fifty
then you know what's the point so you always want to buy a modem that
either matches or exceeds because if you you know
decide to upgrade your internet plan later on then you can always you know
bump it up
so again make sure that is compatible with your internet service provider
now so make sure that the speed is at least that
I love your internet plan so we say okay we narrowed down quite a bit
now there's some other couple technical things and let me pull up a
clean now to be honest whenever you're buying a modem for the very first time
that's probably
all you need to know just look at the reviews and make sure they choose from
from list
and is going to be compatible with your Internet Service Providers
over if you wanna know a little bit more about him how explain this
now the standards that modems used mean K it's called
doc like you're right I'm on my rating heart
talk sis
so like I said these are just the rules for communication
for modems and every year
why don't wanna see every year but every so often they come out with a updated
version so one
point there's actually a bunch of different ones 1.0 X
2.00 most moms are 3.00 right now
and I'm sure in the future that this will get newer and newer
as modems get faster and faster we always on get the latest
version and also this isn't just for best performance but they're also
backwards compatible
so if you're like okay I know I have device that works with
you know DOCSIS 2.0 modems if you get 3.0
it's gonna work as well since all these are backwards compatible
so again get the latest version make sure that you have enough most updated
another Ching that you're gonna see are two channels
and most modems why don't see most I didn't do a study really thing but a lot
of the ones I look at our four by four
or 8 by four and again these are channels
now for summer in this means
downstream whenever you're downloading something and the second number means
upstream so the one that i'm gonna be shown you guys in the future
match and in you know if I told you this but in the future I'm actually gonna be
filming meesh
arm setting up an entire home network
and you know talking i sry had to do a hands-on 21
I'm gon musing is a four by four if you have a huge family that's on the
internet all time you might want to look into getting an
eight by four but yeah either way there you go
in just one other little sino this is a really a problem
as long as you're choosing one of the modems from I'll
list on their website but make sure you get the right kind for example
there are cable modems if you are you know
if you have a cable internet there's also like DSL modems
so make sure that you know if you have like time warner cable that you don't
DSL modem but like I said this is pretty obvious stuff his eyes you choose one
from their list then you should be called some that's the basics
%uh modems again if you wanna look at this one last time
what they are are pretty much the vices that connect your network
to the Internet all the rest is are you know
fun little detail so there you go thanks for watching see next time