He had extended the blade by writing “extend” on it, fully aware that it length was now roughly seven metre. However, no one present understood what had happened in this bizarre scene.
Hiiro reverted his sword by writing “original”. The blade slipped out spiky beanpole’s arm with a whoosh and he groaned.
He dropped his sword from the intense pain and his arm trembled. A great deal of sweat was accumulating on his face.
“Stand back, brat.”
“M- Mister… Wh- Why?”
“I get paid, so I’ll lend a hand.”
When Hiiro said so bluntly, Nies made a slightly happy sigh of relief.
“Wh- Who are you, dude!?”
Putting up with the pain, spiky beanpole frantically shouted while opening his bloodshot eyes wide.
“I don’t have to answer you. See ya.”