Choice of Law and the Doctrine of Renvoi
Stanley B. Stein *
If a central object of our legal system is to provide equal justice to all who come before our courts, then it is necessary to develop principles of law so that, in so far as possible, similar cases will lead to similar decisions. This requirement of uniformity and con- sistency runs through all branches of law, but the problems which it generates become particularly acute in those cases which may require the application of rules of law that are foreign to our courts. In cases having elements that connect them with other jurisdictions, one of the questions that arises is whether foreign rules of law should be reflected in the decision of the court, and if so, to what extent. In essence this is a question of choice of law. This paper will seek to examine the choice of law problem. This will involve a brief discussion of "characterization" and its relationship to the choice of law, a critical examination of the renvoi doctrine, and finally, some suggestions towards a reform- ulation of choice of law concepts.
1. Characterization Once a court has decided to accept jurisdiction in a case, it will normally take into consideration the foreign elements raised by any of the facts. According to Graveson, to ignore them, "would make a travesty of justice".' Most courts will therefore refer to the appropriate foreign system of law whenever they are asked to attach legal consequences to a situation that has been created under foreign law. This reference to foreign law may be motivated by a desire for "justice" between the parties, or by a feeling for what is desirable among countries in a world community. What- ever the cause, the result is that each forum has developed a set of conflicts rules which, when certain classes of issues arise, may lead the court to apply foreign law.