Chicken meat is primarily sold to retail as whole, parts, and as
ground chicken. Ground chicken can be classified into two types of products: MSC and non-MSC ground product. Mechanically separated
chicken is produced by grinding bone-in chicken parts like
backs, necks, and wings. The crushed meat and bones are pushed
through a metal screen that separates edible a minced (non-paste
like) product from non-edible bone and cartilage product. On the
other hand, non-MSC ground chicken is produced by grinding
boneless skin-on/skinless parts such as drumstick, thigh, and
breast. The chicken skin utilized in this process is a source of fat in
the ground products.
When a Salmonella-positive chicken flock is processed and its
parts grinded downstream, it can lead to ground chicken contamination.
Salmonella association with chicken carcasses and parts can
be external and/or internal . While external skin
contamination may predict presence of Salmonella in ground
poultry as shown in a previous study conducted at a turkey processing plant, there is no study in the published literature that examined the relationship between Salmonella levels in chicken internal organs such as spleen and post-harvest products . It has been revealed that Salmonella can be
internalized in poultry internal organs and parts, for example, in
spleen, liver, and bones . Spleen has been
shown to harbor Salmonella more frequently than other organs
. We hypothesized that presence and numbers of Salmonella
in spleen may indicate highly contaminated flocks and
consequently higher levels of ground chicken contamination.
Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the relationship
between Salmonella levels in chicken spleens and in MSC ground product at a commercial processing plant.
Chicken meat is primarily sold to retail as whole, parts, and asground chicken. Ground chicken can be classified into two types of products: MSC and non-MSC ground product. Mechanically separatedchicken is produced by grinding bone-in chicken parts likebacks, necks, and wings. The crushed meat and bones are pushedthrough a metal screen that separates edible a minced (non-pastelike) product from non-edible bone and cartilage product. On theother hand, non-MSC ground chicken is produced by grindingboneless skin-on/skinless parts such as drumstick, thigh, andbreast. The chicken skin utilized in this process is a source of fat inthe ground products.When a Salmonella-positive chicken flock is processed and itsparts grinded downstream, it can lead to ground chicken contamination.Salmonella association with chicken carcasses and parts canbe external and/or internal . While external skincontamination may predict presence of Salmonella in groundpoultry as shown in a previous study conducted at a turkey processing plant, there is no study in the published literature that examined the relationship between Salmonella levels in chicken internal organs such as spleen and post-harvest products . It has been revealed that Salmonella can beinternalized in poultry internal organs and parts, for example, inspleen, liver, and bones . Spleen has beenshown to harbor Salmonella more frequently than other organs. We hypothesized that presence and numbers of Salmonellain spleen may indicate highly contaminated flocks andconsequently higher levels of ground chicken contamination.Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the relationshipbetween Salmonella levels in chicken spleens and in MSC ground product at a commercial processing plant.
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