In the etiology of cancer, free radical plays a major role;
therefore antioxidants present in diet have fastidious
consideration as potential inhibitors of abandoned cell growth.
FA’s anti-carcinogenic activity is related to its capability of
scavenging ROS and stimulation of cytoprotective enzymes [6]. By
doing this, FA diminished lipid peroxidation, DNA single-strand
rupture, inactivation of certain proteins, and disruption of
biological membranes [26]. Due to the construction of free
radicals in leucocytes and other cells, nicotine is supposed to have
a key role in the pathogenesis of lung cancer. In 2007, Sudheer
et al. worked on rat peripheral blood lymphocytes, and concluded
that FA (10–150mM) counteracted nicotine-induced lipid peroxidation
and reduction in GSH (reduced glutathione) level [75].
Stimulation of detoxification enzyme seems to be another
mechanism for the anticarcinogenic action of FA; it enhances the
UGTs enzyme (UDP-glucuronosyltransferases) activity, drastically
in liver. Due to this reason better detoxification of carcinogenic
compounds occurs, and subsequently leads to the prevention of
gastrointestinal cancer [81]. UGTs catalyzes the conjugation of
exogenous and endogenous compounds with glucuronic acid,
which results in less biologically active molecules with enhanced
water solubility that facilitates the excretion through bile or urine
[36]. FA also inhibits the growth of colon cancer cells [52].
Further, its inhibitory effect on carcinogenesis of colon cancer in
rats was confirmed by in vivo test [29]. Polyphenols, including FA,
comprise tumor-suppression potential in breast cancer cell lines as
well [50]. FA has been claimed to decrease the side effects of
chemo and radiotherapy of carcinomas by increasing the natural
immune defense [40].