Sometimes you will need to move items to new
locations or move items from two different locations to
one location. Since the locator files of both the
automated and manual supply systems are similar, the
way you request these changes is also very similar.
However, the forms you use are different.
Manual hocedures
You should have only one storage location for each
NSN. If there is a change in the primary storage
location or a new location is established, enter Loc
Chgd or New Loc and the prime location code in block
15 on DA Form 2765. Figure 6-11 shows the
DA Form 2765 completed as a new location card.
Figure 6-12 shows the form completed as a location
change card.
* Automated Procedures
Try to have only one location for each item. If you
need to delete, change, or add a location, make sure
your soldiers use the correct procedures for your type
of automated system. Most automated systems use
DA Form 2765 or DA Form 2000-3 to make changes.
Most of the data you will need to fill out these cards are
in the locator file or deck. Sometimes, due to electrical
or equipment problems, you may have to make a
manual location change. Use DA Form 2765 to make
such a change. TM 38-L32-12 gives step-by-step
procedures for making automated and manual location
change requests. Most automated systems use
DA Form 2000-3 as a stock locator card. This card is
machine-printed and flled in the locator deck in NSN
order. The DSUs which operate using SARSS-1(I)
will update the locator file through the location maintenance
process. This process provides the capability
to change existing locations and establish new ones.
SARSS will allow you to have up to five different
storage locations. The location maintenance process
consists ofkeyboard entries. It requires no preparation
of manual YDL cards.